
3 Reasons Why Your Audience Isn’t Listening

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I’m shouting about my products – why aren’t they listening (and buying)?

Nothing is quite as frustrating as a great marketing plan that doesn’t work. You put in the time, the effort, the blood, sweat and yes – tears, to create the perfect strategy to sell your products and services, but nobody seems to be listening to your message.

You tweak your strategy and try new communication tactics, but your message still isn’t connecting with your audience. The little voices in your head start to shout –“What did I do wrong? Why aren’t they buying my stuff? Is this going to be an epic fail?”

Relax! You are not the first person to face this situation, so tell your little voices to quiet down while I share with you three reasons why your audience might not be listening.

3 Reasons Why Your Audience Isn’t Listening

  1. You Targeted the Wrong Audience. Or maybe you didn’t target your audience at all. One of the most common communication mistakes is a failure to identify your ideal customer. Who are they – think demographics and personal characteristics? What is their story – their wants, needs and desires? And where are they – figure out where they are getting their information and target your communication tactics in those areas. As Seth Godin says, “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.”
  2. Your Message Isn’t Connecting. People are bombarded with more than 5,000 advertising messages each day, according to marketing firm Yankelovich, Inc. That’s a lot of noise. So how do you stand out from the crowd? Storytelling! People want to feel a connection with the companies where they work and do business. By using storytelling, you can create a message that stands out from the crowd and creates a connection with your ideal customers.
  3. You Focused on Features and Benefits. Too often, companies create communication plans based around the features and benefits of their products and services. When in reality, customers want to know who you are and what you believe in. To create a connection with your customers, you have to know your story. You may sell the exact same service as three of your competitors, but WHY you started your company, your core values and unique selling points create a powerful story that sets your business apart from the competition.

Business storytelling is an incredibly important tool for growing your business. Think of Nike and Southwest Airlines. These companies are masters at storytelling and creating a connection with their customers that has little to do with the products and services that they sell and everything to do with the feelings they evoke in the customer.

You can become a master storyteller, too. It requires some research and assessment to figure out your core messaging and determine your ideal customers, but once you do you’ll create a marketing plan that exceeds your expectations.

I’d like to offer you a free Infographic that goes into more detail about the importance of business storytelling.  To download your free copy of Business Storytelling: Decoded, visit www.ElizabethKingConsulting.com/business-storytelling.

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