
What’s the Perfect Communication Solution for My Business?

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Analysis Paralysis! What’s the right communication solution?

Everybody has an opinion when it comes to communication and marketing – from your mom, to your accountant and certainly from different communication professionals.

That’s because there is no “perfect solution” when it comes to effectively telling your story.  I’m sorry! I know that is wildly frustrating and not the answer you want to hear.

What’s the Right Communication Solution?

As business leaders, you want to get all the options and determine the best solution for your company. But what happens if you don’t know much about communications and you find yourself overwhelmed by all the choices?

Like an ostrich burying its head in the sand, too many options can lead to analysis paralysis. If this sounds like you, you are not alone!

Most of my clients are overwhelmed by the communication process and don’t know which communication strategy is right for their business.

Unlocking the Power of Your Story

Finding a communication solution that works for your company doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You just have to follow a series of steps to create a strategy that is right for you.

Your company is unique – your story, your products and services, your competitive advantage and even your customers – so you need a strategy that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Effectively telling your story begins with the assessment process.  Assessment helps you clearly define who you are as an organization and identifies your ideal customers.

Most companies fail to spend enough time understanding the heart of their story and discovering how to target their ideal customers. They end up wasting thousands of dollars on communication that doesn’t grow their business.

The key is to create a clear communication strategy that highlights what makes your company unique and provides a framework to target their communication efforts.


Once you have developed a strategy customized for your business, then you begin the fun part – implementation.

This will require some A/B testing, trial and error, flexibility and evaluation to figure out exactly what is going to work to attract your ideal customers.

Communication is not an exact science – and there is no “perfect solution” – but you can avoid analysis paralysis by following the communication process and create an effective communication strategy that will grow your business.

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