
Great Product…No Customers? How to Target Your Audience

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No Customers

One of the most frustrating things for a business leader is to have a great product or service – and know exactly how you can make a difference in someone’s life – but not know how to attract your ideal customers.  If this sounds familiar, you are not alone!

This situation is true for so many business leaders and there are lots of factors that come into play.

Here’s what I hear the most from my clients and fellow business leaders:

  1. I’m an expert in my field, but I don’t know the first thing about communication.
  2. Everyone can benefit from what I offer, so I don’t have a “perfect” customer.
  3. I offer so many services that I don’t know how to describe my business when someone asks me what I do (I’ve been guilty of this one!)

Let me address these situations and give you a few suggestions.

First, effective communication is possible when you get strategic in your approach.

Communication and marketing can seem very complicated because there are so many options and different opinions.

But by understanding who you are as a business and identifying your ideal customers, you can create a strategic communication plan that attracts customers and inspires employees.

Second, by identifying your ideal customers you get to choose the perfect customers for your products and services.

Many business leaders believe that anyone who wants to buy their products and services is an ideal customer – but this isn’t true.  Not all customers are same. In fact, there are some customers you may not want at all.

That’s why creating a communication strategy that targets your ideal customers is so important for your business.

Knowing where to find your ideal customers and how they want to receive information helps target which communication tactics will be most effective for growing your business.

Third, having a strong value statement is critical when it comes to differentiating your company from the competition.

I struggled with this when I first began my business because I have a wide skill set and can help customers with lots of different communication needs. I would trip all over myself trying to describe what I do – and it only left people more confused about my business.

Once I narrowed down my unique selling points, I was able to create a value statement that clearly describes what I do and how I bring value to customers.

Unlocking the Power of Your Story

Effectively telling your story begins with the assessment process.  Assessment helps you create a clear communication message to showcase what makes your business unique.

Assessment includes understanding your company’s “Why,” defining your unique selling points, identifying your ideal customers and discovering the most important communication tactics for your business.

By understanding who you are and how to target your ideal customers, your business can save thousands of dollars on ineffective communication and marketing.

To learn more about how assessment can help unlock the power of your story, visit www.ElizabethKingConsulting.com/sl.

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